November - Listopad
We want to play in the rain!
A Walk in the Forrest.
sunny - słonecznie
rainy - deszczowo
windy - wietrznie
snowy - śnieżnie
cloudy - pochmurnie
foggy - mgliście
hail - grad
hot - gorąco
cold - zimno
forrest – las
squirrel – wiewiórka
rabbit – zając
bear – niedźwiedź
owl – sowa
fox – lis
hedgehog – jeż
badger – borsuk
How’s the weather? – Jaka jest pogoda?
How’s the weather?
How’s the weather?
How’s the weather today?
Is it sunny? Is it rainy?
Is it windy? Is it snowy?
“It’s sunny.”
“Let’s go outside!”
Today is
Sunny. Sunny.
Today is
Sunny. Sunny.
How’s the weather?
How’s the weather?
How’s the weather today?
Is it sunny? Is it rainy?
Is it windy? Is it snowy?
“It’s rainy!”
“Let’s jump in the puddles!”
Today is
Rainy. Rainy.
Today is
Rainy. Rainy.
How’s the weather?
How’s the weather?
How’s the weather today?
Is it sunny? Is it rainy?
Is it windy? Is it snowy?
“It’s windy!”
“Let’s fly a kite!”
Today is
Windy. Windy.
Today is
Windy. Windy.
How’s the weather?
How’s the weather?
How’s the weather today?
Is it sunny? Is it rainy?
Is it windy? Is it snowy?
“It’s snowy.”
“Let’s roll snowballs!”
Today is
Snowy. Snowy.
Today is
Snowy. Snowy.
“Party in the Forest”
There’s a party in the forest,
You can hear different sounds.
Squirrels, rabbits and bears
Want to sing and dance.
Squirrels are shaking nuts,
Singing doo-be-doo-be-doo.
Owls are flapping their wings,
Up and down, one and two.
Rabbits are stamping to the rhythm,
Making a quiet sound.
Bears are clapping their paws,
Dancing and turning around.
There’s a party in the forest,
You can hear different sounds.
Squirrels, rabbits and bears
Want to sing and dance.
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